The rejuvenation to give you the healthy second life
The rejuvenation to give you the healthy second life

After Nobel Award favored with our MPS system from 2012, that we knew it is the right time to share this world class stem cell technology to the whole world.

If the current world academic documentation is correct, then we are the only MPS system ever did on human being before 2014 and with more than 2000 successful trials in this decade, which aroused the most international attention, plus many invitations over the world for business cooperation!

In addition to our most safe, convenient, efficient and comfortable operation of SOSA STEMCELL service, that our unique first or original generation of stem cell transformation culture technology is being the hottest topic ever!

From all international stem cell research documentation revealed to us that stem cell culture in vitro is the most stable from genetic mutation only if it is the first generation, namely, if we try to develop into many generation from the original cell generation, then, the possibility of our cell mutation started no matter how many generations we do, as the fact showed to us the multiple generations we do the higher the possibility of mutation, and currently, SOSA is the only one in the world to meet this safety standard.  As we only do the original cell generation “one generation only”, but with incomparable quantity!

Then what are others do today? Unfortunately due to low tech background competition that most of them use animal embryonic factor and other human embryonic factors and cultured with animal blood substance, disregarding the possible animal viral infection and cross genetic mutation!  As tragedy of this do happen from time to time to ignorant consumers.

Some others who use adipose stem cell and GCSF of human hematopoietic stem cell are much safer, but, due to the stem cell quantity is concerned that some of them are still trying to develop them into multiple generation disregarding the risk of genetic mutation!  However, from the research results disclosed that these two types of stem cell culture has only less multi-potency of stem cell category to compare with our SOSA MPS stem cell which means toward the overall rejuvenation that only our SOSA MPS stem cell can cover and renew most cell types of our body in order to define the unprecedented SOSA rejuvenation and besides it does prolong your life span, just see for yourself!

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Prevention is better than medication, yet far better than rehabilitation.